Scaling Smarter: Jess Kralemann on Optimizing Service Titan for Growth


Maximizing Business Potential With Service Titan


Optimizing Service Titan for Success


Improving Operations for Marketing Success


Leveraging Service Titan for Success

  • Speaker 1: 0:09

    What's up, lemonheads? Welcome to another episode of From the Yellow Chair. I'm Crystal and today I'm sitting down with the founder and CEO of Titan Advising Gurus Y'all. She has deep experience with Service Titan. She's turned that really into this fantastic mission where she is helping businesses like yourself maximize their potential through smarter operations and streamlined technology. And I don't know about you guys, but that word streamlining just resonates with my soul today. So she's based out of Missouri but reaches far across the United States helping contractors. So grab your lemonade, settle down, let's sip some lemonade, perfect. Well, guys, I am so excited to have Jess Kralemann in the virtual lemonade stand today sharing about Titan Advising Gurus. So,Jess, you know I start every podcast off with why should anyone care with what you have to say today?

    Speaker 2: 1:06

    Well, I have a pretty vast background when it comes to the trades and marketing and service titan. For me, this is not just a job, it's a way that I can help people. It's a way that I can help people and I started actually in a trades business and we started using Service Titan right when I onboarded with them. So, from what I've done, I've worked the whole system from the ground up. I've had to work through Service Titan on onboarding, through setting up memberships, through setting up pro products and learning all of the nuances and all of the steps that go into that and growing a business with the help of Service Titan. So because I've been able to do that actually in a business setting and then move away from that setting into helping others, I've been able to really understand Service Titan and take it to the people and help them with their own accounts and with their own journey with Service Titan.

    Speaker 1: 2:19

    So I love this. So you kind of came from a world of like student housing and hotels and then you move over to managing this HVAC office and then you realize, oh my gosh, we've got to learn all these products. So you know, one of the biggest issues I hear from contractors is like the overall setup of service titan feels very daunting to them, and so you've actually been through that right Like you even told me what like sort of trial and error you just gained enough understanding to be able to dominate it, because service time is a beast. It's one of those like necessary evils, but it is a beast to deal with.

    Speaker 2: 2:52

    Right, you can't know the whole system. It is too robust, it goes way too deep in every single area. So to and and also to understand how things talk to each other, you know, to really understand the system all encompassing and how one thing affects another, it is daunting and it does take a lot of time.

    Speaker 1: 3:15

    Well, I shared, I share with contractors all the time. Like we just had our limited conference not that long ago and this guy raises his hand. He's like I'm really thinking about moving from this software over to service Titan, and you can hear this visible auditory moan in the audience. But I love what you said here. It's invaluable lessons of adaptability, perseverance and the power of leveraging those tools. And so a lot of times I'll tell a contractor do not battle this integration of a new software on your own. There are too many resources now to help guide you through that process.

    Speaker 1: 3:45

    Like most contractors, like my brother, my dad, my grandpa, they were never engineers, they were never coders, right. So the idea especially those that are over the age of probably 40, we're like, oh my gosh, this technology is so daunting. But it's about just having a strategy and a plan and, like I preach this all the time understanding the chaos that might come. So I don't want to be surprised by chaos, I don't mind being prepared for a little chaos. But, um, you know, my sister and brother-in-law um operate a pest control company and they just went live with field grouts, which is service time to answer the pest control side. Yes, and my sister was in the same boat. Yeah, my sister was in the same boat. She was like oh my gosh, but she just kind of owned it and ran with it. Um, and so what were some of the biggest lessons that you think you learned from being a service titan user that you now have applied towards people that you're supporting in the industry?

    Speaker 2: 4:44

    To ask for help.

    Speaker 1: 4:47

    From Service Titan or from other friends? What is the?

    Speaker 2: 4:50

    best bet From anybody. There are so many people, like you said, that use this system, that have been through the trial and error, that have gone through all of these steps already, just ask for help. There's different Facebook groups, there's the community pages, there's the training that they've put together, the certifications, and then there's companies like ours. There are just so many options that you have available that weren't available a couple of years ago. Even so, just take advantage of them.

    Speaker 1: 5:22

    Yeah, the other thing, when we were prepping for the call and you were talking through some things and you made some notes, I looked at these notes and I was like you know, you make a note here like many accounts have been set up, many things are set up but not active. So I met with a contractor not that long ago and he's like I've been on marketing pro products for two and a half years and I'm like, oh my gosh great. Well, how's that working? He goes yeah, I've never sent an email and I'm like stop it right now. Like how are we doing this? You know?

    Speaker 1: 5:51

    Same thing with like sending out the simple things like what I call like an elementary size of service time. Like you don't send out. You know the text messages. Yeah, the text message is like that a technician is on their way and here's who it is and review automation and things like that. And so I love this idea of asking for help through any of the pro products, through the basic things. Again, as contractors, we are not expected we shouldn't expect ourselves to know the ins and outs, and so asking for help from people that really can provide the services I think is a very like pro tip here and when you're asking for help.

    Speaker 2: 6:30

    It can also bring in new ideas that you would have never even thought of, a different way to work your membership, a different way to input it into the system. It also eventually going to lead you through a little bit of trial and error and that on its own is a very valuable learning tool and you can keep expanding your business with those tools that you kind of gather as you're going through that process.

    Speaker 1: 6:51

    Well, you know I love being a service titan partner. I was actually exiting my family's heating and air conditioning company about the time that they were really starting to fully utilize service titan as a platform. But I did realize, like, are we utilizing it to its full potential? Are we really taking advantage of the complexity of the program itself? And you know, I tell people all the time, if you're not going to utilize Service Titan for the beast, that it is at least the majority of what the opportunities are. I really don't recommend investing in service titan at that point, because you're not ready and you pay for a product that is a very good product, but you're paying for it, right. So if you're not ready to have good product, you know good information put in so that you can spit good information out. So you know what was that aha moment for you? Well, like when you realize like hey, I'm pretty good at this, like I feel like I understand service type and pretty well, maybe this should be a business.

    Speaker 2: 7:49

    It actually was a couple years previous. I was just on one of the pages, one of the Facebook pages, and some guy made a post about needing help with his marketing pro and I needed some extra money. And so I jumped in and I said I can help you set that up. I can make some phone numbers, I can do some campaigns, I can do whatever it is that you want. And he had had marketing pro for a bit and it hadn't been activated yet. So I went in and I set everything up on my nights and my weekends and got things rolling. At that same time he needed a few other things.

    Speaker 2: 8:25

    That was kind of out of my realm because, as I mentioned and as you mentioned, service height is so vast so you don't know everything of the system and there were some areas that I didn't have the best knowledge. So I had Kim, who's our other owner, come in and she worked on a few things for him on the side as well getting set up in his account, like his ACP, those kinds of things and then we just kind of took it from there. It just kind of grew on its own. It was Kim's idea to actually make this into Titan Advising Gurus, and that's kind of where we're at at this point. And that company, yeah, and that company's still with us. He's had tremendous growth. He actually just moved into a bigger um office.

    Speaker 1: 9:12

    I think we love yeah, yeah, that's, that's phenomenal.

    Speaker 1: 9:17

    And you know, again I'll say this lemon seeds not for everyone, your company's probably not for everyone, but what we are trying to do here is help contractors grow in whatever way, whatever piece of that puzzle we play. And so for you guys like making the most, like so many contractors Jess, you know this are sitting on a treasure trove of existing customer bases and, like you, are not using it. So Limit Seed has this three bucket approach to marketing, like one is branding, one is call to action and one is cultivation. And in that cultivation bucket, literally it's about making the most of everybody that's in your database and 50% of the time at least clients have not touched their database. Yeah, and then I have the other half of the world who is like inundated their database but at the end of the day, like consistent and continuous. There is no silver bullet to this. It's very much about consistency and about just really knowing niching down on those audiences that you have so that you can speak to them wholly, and the pro suite has some really cool things.

    Speaker 1: 10:21

    You have to go in with your eyes wide open, that you know. Marketing Pro also requires you know massaging and manipulating to get it to do what's right for you, but definitely, you know, trusting these partners, like you guys, is a great step, because sometimes the best opportunities, really, though, for you came from recognizing when your skills were solving solving common problems and so it's a great example of that. Well, ok, let's jump into a little bit. Oh yeah, go ahead.

    Speaker 2: 10:52

    I was going to say in Marketing Pro if you're not on it, you really should be checking it out, because it's a fantastic tool and every single one of our clients, and even people that ended up not signing up with us that tool has done so much for them. Just like you said, hitting the database, talking to people and getting them involved in different ways, Marketing Pro makes it so easy once it's set up.

    Speaker 1: 11:18

    Yeah, yes, that's true, and we see great success from the consistency of automation set up through Marketing Pro. So I love that, I love that. So let's dig a little bit deeper into that. So I'd like to break down how businesses can kind of set up and really optimize service type and to really help improve, like, their operations and even being able to scale long term. I mean, I know it's powerful, but again back to that whole overwhelming term that we used earlier.

    Speaker 2: 11:45

    So you know, what do you think are some of the most common mistakes that businesses are making when they're setting up their service Titan that they don't understand that service Titan operates like a chain of dominoes, that each piece is interacting with the next and it's creating this powerful interconnected tool that, when properly set up, it allows you to generate reports and target audiences and analyze data. But improper configuration or relying on workarounds because I hear that word all the time I have this workaround I have a workaround.

    Speaker 2: 12:21

    Yes, it disrupts that harmony and that setup and that chain of dominoes.

    Speaker 1: 12:26

    It just it knocks it all over and and you can't have those the important thing about those dominoes is that one faulty domino throws the whole thing off to your point and all, and so those things are messed up all. Yes, yes, it's important that you utilize the service in the intended way that it was built, if at all possible 100%.

    Speaker 1: 12:49

    I understand that service time is not perfect. It has all these little caveats in there. Always, when you can utilize a service or a platform or a pro product in the actual way it was intended and designed and built, you tend to have greater success with it. But still, I know that there's all the. I watch those groups all the time and I'm like man. There's one little caveat that they missed on that, but I love the domino example, because it is. It is exactly like that.

    Speaker 2: 13:15

    And and what's great about Service Titan is if you do catch something that's off, you can always tell them and that's why there's all these updates that come out and everything and I know drives people nuts, but it's because they are listening to us If you're able to, to identify an issue and let them know about it. But these, going back to workarounds, the they they seem like quick fixes and and ways that are going to help the business, but in reality, they do create long-term issues for the business and for your data. Um, so I forgot where I was going there you're gonna have to pause that.

    Speaker 1: 13:52

    No, you're good, you're good.

    Speaker 2: 13:54

    I finally I finally was able to like lay over my notes over the screen, so now I'm actually being able to read them. Before I was just kind of trying to go off memory um no, where was?

    Speaker 1: 14:07

    I here, you're good. Um, lupita, just make a note of um about 14 minutes in, just to kind of clean. No, you're fine, you're fine, she'll go look at it and take it. Girl, listen, it's normally me. So we're killing it right now. You're doing great. No, you're doing great. I'm going to tee you up on another key issue is the system itself. Might be the problem lying in the setup, so I'm going to kind of tee up the setup problem again. Be the problem lying in the setup, so I'm going to kind of tee up the setup problem again. All right, here we go. All right, jess. So I know I hear what you're saying about this dominoes. It's great, it's a great example, a great analogy of that. So you know, like, when you're learning to generate a new report or target a specific audience, I do know like sometimes I heard you say like those workarounds really will hinder the overall functionality, and then then you learn a bad practice and then it affects everything else, right? Isn't that one of the key issues that you identified?

    Speaker 2: 15:00

    Yeah, and another key issue is thinking that the system itself is the problem, when the real issue often lies in the setup.

    Speaker 2: 15:08

    So I'm going to give you a quick little example here. The trades company I worked with had like sorry, the company that I worked with previously. They had Marketing Pro and it was set up by a different person within the company it was their marketing director and the product wasn't performing so we weren't seeing any return at all. It was double sending information, it was disrupting the office and the CSRs and the dispatchers and everything going on in there and it was just, it was a hot mess. It was bad. So we ended up canceling Marketing Pro with them and then we switched to a different integrated product. I won't say its name, but they made a lot of promises of how it was just like Marketing Pro and how it integrated into Titan and it did all these wonderful things that we couldn't do right. So we switched to them and then we were with them for maybe two weeks and things were not working the way that it needed to be. Actually, things got worse, if you can believe it which I could not believe it, but it did.

    Speaker 2: 16:08

    So we decided to go back to Marketing Pro and this time we set it up correctly. We set it up from the ground up, we redid everything. We didn't do anything like we did in the past, and at this time when we set it up, we really understood how everything worked together and once we launched it, it immediately took off. It had the right setup, it understood how the system fed from the client information and it started functioning the way that service Titan had originally told us that it was going to function, and within a month or two we I had it on autopilot and it was paying for itself over and over again and it was delivering even more value every single month. So I guess my point is if you are facing any issues, don't jump ship. Let's rework it, let's make it that it should, and a proper setup can make a hundred percent difference for you and your company.

    Speaker 1: 17:03

    Well, is that trusting the process? Yes, when you trust the process of how things are supposed to go and you give yourself time, grace, patience to work through those things, you're much better off. Again, so many people are like I hear it every day literally like, well, this doesn't work. You know, this doesn't work for me. And I'm like man. I have one client that I am 90% sure was just set up terribly, horribly incorrect, and so you know, let me see, we're all, we're all up in their marketing dashboard looking for tracking numbers and what's performing and all of that, and so sometimes what is this.

    Speaker 1: 17:42

    Yeah, I can immediately identify like, oh gosh, y'all did something crazy here, um, what happened here, um? But for sure, like, don't just jump ship. Make sure that you are really focusing on that you're set up properly and that things feel good and that you are trusting the process for sure. Well, what about the customer experience? Because you know people have heard me talk about this quite often. You know, brand is very important, but the customer journey of a company trying to do business with you we should not make it hard to do business with us, we should be accessible, we should be up to date on just local technology things, and so how can optimizing service type really impact not just your operations but that customer experience, the customer journey?

    Speaker 2: 18:30

    Yeah, with it, your CSRs will have instant, instant access to everything related to a customer's account. It'll be all in one platform, all in one place, and that includes past appointments, upcoming appointments, marketing communications All the other essential data and details that goes with that customer will be available at the click of a button and it streamlines everything, and that in itself is a game changer for the customer experience, and with it, customers will also have better and more reliable communication because it's automated for the most part. For example, they'd be informed down to the day when their next service is due, if they're on a maintenance plan and need their AC or their furnace tuned up. By enhancing that efficiency, the system directly translates into a will help build trust and satisfaction and it will create a long-lasting positive impact on those customer relationships that you have.

    Speaker 1: 19:40

    Yeah. So let me tell you Service Titan and CSRs again, there's power in the connection. There's power in a well, you know, the communication being reliable, being truthful, and then good information into service titan means good information spit out of service titan. So when you really work to have good efficiencies and good processes, not only does the customer service experience drastically increase, but you know, like you mentioned, everything becomes more accurate and more satisfactory to leave a really good impact not only on the customer, but also on your own team being able to trust that you know. So I think the takeaway from this whole little section right here is a well-setup service time account isn't just about running your business as a whole. It's about building a really good growth and a foundation for growth and that customer loyalty. So your csrs yeah, I mean that's, it's kind of everything.

    Speaker 1: 20:38

    So, okay, let's talk a little bit about something you mentioned that link between operations and marketing. So we're going to drop some like actual nuggets here. You're going to tell us some good, actual reports, but you know, streamlining operations through serviceTitan will directly enhance your overall marketing efforts for better customer communication and also being able to leverage the data that we have learned already how we can do it. So I know you've talked about operations and marketing being closely tied, but what are some examples of how ServiceTitan really supports both ops and marketing?

    Speaker 2: 21:12

    Yeah, when it comes to reports, the campaign summary report and the new customer report are incredibly valuable tools. They'll allow you to see what's working and what isn't by comparing the performance of returning customers versus new ones. So for a quick overview, the marketing scorecard is always excellent and provides a snapshot of key metrics at a glance. I also make it a point to monitor the CSR agent scorecards. Sometimes the marketing is performing well, but the issue lies in not closing the leads. When that happens, I collaborate with the office manager to dig deeper into the data and identify different areas that we need some improvement in.

    Speaker 1: 22:00

    Well. So when you identify those areas, do you see that sometimes those tend to be the same areas, Like you start realizing that a lot of these things are from the same place, right the same place of inefficiencies and the same issues. So I don't know about you, but I mentioned this earlier. Tracking phone numbers. Yes, you know, I use the CSR. So, from a marketing aspect, I love to look at the CSR scorecards, mainly because if I need to identify, so you know, marketing gets all the fault, all the blame for underperforming businesses and never any other credit for a top performing business. It's just the way that it is. But sometimes, when I can get in there and try to navigate the data, I can try to tell is this a CSR problem or is this a lead problem? You know what is the real problem here.

    Speaker 2: 22:46

    Yeah, and that's why you need to look at everything as a whole.

    Speaker 1: 22:49

    Yes, yes, and so using those reports to really get a good view and compare performance and all of that is really a great tool to use, and you can automate those reports to be in your inbox every other day, every week, however you want to look at those things. But that marketing scorecard I tell everybody it is. It is something that you will love to hate because I don't know about you, but like listening to your own team's calls is like torture. I can't, I couldn't do it. Oh my gosh. Yeah, you're like, I've trained on this. They still do it wrong. But the marketing scorecard really is going to give you a snapshot of some metrics quickly and at a glance, and so even my strategist at the lemon seed side when we're preparing our monthly call for our clients they're going to go look at that marketing scorecard and I've had people tell me I don't have a marketing scorecard and I'm like it's literally on your dashboard.

    Speaker 1: 23:42

    You just got to scroll down a little bit Scroll down, scroll down.

    Speaker 1: 23:45

    But that marketing dashboard it takes the tracking number, ties it to the campaign and ties it to the revenue that was produced. So, again, it's not perfect. You still need other insight into the true customer journey but what it does capture is the last point of contact that a customer has with your company, meaning they might have looked at a paper PPC ad, they might have looked at your Facebook, they might have gotten a postcard, but at the end of the day they called off of your Google business profile, they called off your website, whatever that looks like, and so that marketing scorecard gives you the last point that made them call. And programs like Searchlight and things like that, they actually give you the completed customer journey and it complements that marketing scorecard really, really well. But speaking of scorecards, that marketing scorecard really really well.

    Speaker 1: 24:32

    But speaking of scorecards, managing that CSR agent's scorecard one of the things that I watched a client tell me last year was like this is my highest performing CSR and I was like man, I've listened to her on the phone and she's not great. So what does he see that I don't see. Maybe I'm just missing something. I don't live there. And then I started realizing like she's not answering the phone, she's not booking calls. Well, they were allowed to score their own call.

    Speaker 2: 24:58


    Speaker 1: 25:01

    She's got a 97% booking rate and I'm like how does this work? Well, yeah, when you manage, everything is not a lead, then you're going to have a great score, you're going to be a rock star, yeah.

    Speaker 1: 25:12

    So really, like those of you that are listening, that are actual contractors that maybe have an office manager, I would be very clear with my office manager that what you're looking for is the ability to take a tire kicker and book the call, take a marketing lead. So we do it. We spend a lot of money on marketing right? Lots of us do so. Our goal is marketing's job is to get the phone to ring. Operations goal is to get the work done correctly, and so that's why we are where we are with. Like looking at these scorecards is. It is impactful and it will open your eyes to a lot of things that we're going, that are going on well, and if they're skewing those results, it's skewing the marketing.

    Speaker 2: 25:54

    You're not. You don't know where you're putting the money. Is it going in the right spot? Is it going in the wrong spot? I mean it goes deeper.

    Speaker 1: 26:01

    Yes, I'm like we're making major decisions off of trusting your CSRs. Thousands of dollars a month. Yes, yes, you have got to make sure that what I'm looking at is correct. So well, that kind of leads into how strong operations like you think really translate into better reviews and referrals, retention and things like that.

    Speaker 2: 26:21

    Yeah, Strong operations are the foundation of delivering exceptional customer experiences, and that customer experience is going to influence your reviews, your referrals, your retention, and some of the reasons why is that consistency and reliability. You know when operations are well-structured, services are delivered consistently, on time and as promised. Customers always appreciate reliability and they're more likely to leave a positive review when that happens and they're also going to recommend your business to other people family, friends. Clear communication also creates strong operations that customers are kept informed at every step, with confirmations, service updates, follow-up. Clear, proactive communication continues to build that trust and that loyalty with your customers and with your brand. Yes, efficient problem resolution is another one. With streamlined processes, issues are resolved quickly and efficiently and it turns negative experiences into positive ones and happy customers are more often able to leave more positive reviews.

    Speaker 1: 27:38

    Well, just be solution-driven. I just need you to be solution-driven and not focusing on the problem. Focus on the solution.

    Speaker 2: 27:44

    Exactly, and an example of that is if you have really clear guidelines and such on how you're going to handle these things. You have a negative review that goes up, you immediately deal with it, you put up a response. If the customer turns out to be happy in the end from that experience, they're going to turn around, they're going to change that review for you, they're going to make it a positive one, and there's nothing better out there than seeing a negative review turn positive, because that really shows future potential customers what you as a business are going to do and what you do for your customers. I think that that's very loud for customers. I really really do. Yeah, and once operations are running smoothly, staff can focus on providing that exceptional customer service to its clients, and data-driven insights, such as strong operations, can leverage tools such as reporting and scorecards to identify trends and areas for improvement, and this helps ensure that customers' needs are being met consistently, which boosts customer satisfaction.

    Speaker 1: 28:53

    Yeah, data doesn't lie. Yes, yes, data doesn't lie. Yes, yes, data doesn't lie. And so you have to get in there and figure out if your data is correct and then utilize it, like you're saying, to leverage, leverage good operations and strong I call it operational excellence. You know, really making sure that you're doing everything you can. Yes, because you know, I think, again, the takeaway from this little section would be like, you know, when your operations roll smoother, it really will benefit your marketing, which you know is near and dear to my heart.

    Speaker 1: 29:26

    Just, I look all the time at companies that are spending a lot of money on marketing and are not doing anything about operationally growing, and it's just about that great experience for the customer and that journey being very, very clean from the get go. So I mean, it's a lot to think of here, but that's why all of us have to work together. We all have to be focused on the same structure here. So you know also, I know, that Titan Advising Gurus, y'all focus on really empowering the business themselves, right? So you focus on training, in a sense of they're getting more knowledgeable all the time, so to confidently use service, titan, right? So your mission is about empowerment. So how do you feel um? How do you make sure that your clients feel like confident and like self-sufficient through working with you guys? What are some of the tools use?

    Speaker 2: 30:18

    So we do it a couple different ways. When people come to us, some owners and businesses do not have the time to set up Service Titan or to learn how it functions and why it functions the way that it does. So we'll go in and we'll set the whole thing up for them. So that's one option that we do. Another one is that we'll train them on how to use it, and we do that two different ways. We will do one-on-one sessions and we will go through setups together and we'll stay on that call until it's completely set up the way the customer wants. And one question leads to 10 more, because it's the domino effect, right, but we'll go through all of that with them, through those calls, and then they will help set up their full system with us. And then the third one, or the second option to the learning I should say, is that we'll give them kind of instruction.

    Speaker 2: 31:11

    They'll go in, they'll set it up, but then we'll have a call and we'll go through their setup and we'll ask them why did you do this, why did you do that? Did you think of this, did you think of that? And it's kind of a more trial and error, but it has some guardrails where we can help correct it and function it the way that it should before it is completely live. So different tools for different companies. That way it's tailored to what they need and how they're going to learn. But that's kind of how we help people through the process of learning the product if they want to go that route. I will say most customers that work with us they want to go the route of you do it, tell me when it's done.

    Speaker 2: 31:48

    Oh yeah 100%, absolutely, because they just don't have a whole lot of time. You're doing everything when you're in the office. You don't have time to learn a new system, but there are those learning options that we offer for them if they choose to go that route.

    Speaker 1: 32:03

    Yeah, yeah. Well, so you know again, like you said, most contractors need just some help, like somebody, get it done for me, right? I think that we we're in that same boat with Living Seed, like we love to provide, just like the strategy and be like here you go, like, go implement this. But then they're like oh my gosh, you know I didn't have the staff or the people to actually implement it. You know I also was thinking through. You're like what do you think the biggest mindset shift business owners really need when it comes to adopting, you know, into this game of service time? What do you think that?

    Speaker 2: 32:39

    looks like for them. Biggest mind shift has to be and I've heard it time and time again is to look at technology as not as an expense, but an investment. It's a tool that's not only for the company but for the team as well and enhancing everything across the board for everybody, because it does that streamlining, it streamlines operations, it improves customer experience, it drives growth. It's not a quick fix. You have to put the time into it to get the results that you're looking for. But adapting technology requires embracing change, being open to learning and trusting the process as a whole, instead of focusing on the short-term disruption, which I think that's kind of where everybody seems to focus on. Is that short-term disruption, or the cost even that it's associated with? But if we can focus on, as owners, the long-term benefits and the scalability that it brings to our businesses, that's what we need to focus on. That's what we need to be behind?

    Speaker 1: 33:45

    Absolutely, the scalability is a big thing. Contractors, we're always battling this thing of am I marketing too much and I don't have the staff? Am I marketing not enough and I have too much staff? No-transcript and I have too much staff, Like you're constantly doing that. So when you adopt technology and the tools that are out there, again you're going to adopt some technology that doesn't work out the way you intended. That isn't what you thought. But again, instead of focusing on the short-term issues, focus on, like you're saying, that long term benefit that it's going to bring to your business. So what advice would you give to someone that's feeling very stuck with service Titan right now? Like man, I'm just stuck. I can't get moving forward. What could I do?

    Speaker 2: 34:25

    Again, it goes back to asking for help. Just ask for help. I mean, I was emailing somebody asking for help the other day on marketing pro, because everything is always changing. Everything's always getting more and more advanced. With Service Titan, you're going to need help. It's inevitable. You're going to need help, so just ask for it. And then there's all those different platforms. You can join one of the Facebook groups. What's the main one? Masterminds is the main one. You've got hiring platforms specifically for service Titan out there. You have everything on Facebook as far as asking questions. You can also get enrolled in one of the certified admin programs, take Academy courses, or you can just explore one of the certified providers and get some help from them.

    Speaker 1: 35:12

    Well, shout out to the certified providers.

    Speaker 2: 35:17

    I mean, and I'll tell you, getting the certified provider, that's a lot. They put a lot of thought and effort into that test. Not everybody is going to get a certified provider, so if you go with one of them, you're definitely getting somebody or a team of people that really know what they're doing. As far as service tightness concerned, yeah, love it.

    Speaker 1: 35:37

    Well, and I love. One of the things you told me earlier was like I just believe in the platform yes, and I thought you know that's very true. Like that's the same thing, like I believe in the platform as well. Do I think Service Titan is ready for every single contractor in every single phase of business? No, but I do think those that really jump into Service Titan and really learn what they're doing it is a great option, and neither one of us are paid to say any of that for Service Titan. So we're both speaking from experience, both personally through our own companies, but then also like the clients that we're working with right now. So you know what Empowerment is the real goal there.

    Speaker 2: 36:12

    Don't give up.

    Speaker 1: 36:14

    Yeah, don't give up, just stay focused, reach out for resources, don't give up. Yeah, don't give up. Just stay focused, reach out for resources and really lead your service partner with confidence. I think that's really the key.

    Speaker 2: 36:25

    It's not going to be overnight. It's going to take a while and you've got to put that time into it and be patient. Yes, 100%.

    Speaker 1: 36:33

    Yes, yes. Well, jess, this has been a fantastic conversation. I know, like mastering those early days of service time to founding Titan Advising Gurus. I think you are really a wealth of knowledge of just utilizing the right tools in the right way and unlocking that really good potential for businesses. So, whether it was optimizing your operations or even turning data into some actionable insights, I think that you really reminded us that technology is really the game changer to help you grow your company. So, thank you so much. I appreciate you being here. Yeah, I love your passion for helping contractors and so it's really good. But, hey, those of you that are listening, if you are ready to unlock that full potential of service time or want to learn more about Jess's work, I have on here, jess, visit titanadvisingguruscom. Is that correct, or how would you like people to reach out?

    Speaker 2: 37:25

    Best way would be by email right now because we are revamping our website and that is info at titanadvisingguruscom and that'll reach our main office.

    Speaker 1: 37:37

    Perfect, and we're going to put that in the show notes as well. And then are you guys on social media.

    Speaker 2: 37:43

    We are. We have a Facebook account, We've got all the socials, so you can reach out to us there as well.

    Speaker 1: 37:48

    All right. Well, that is great. Well, guys, I don't know about you, but I love listening. I love getting some encouragement from Jess here about just hanging on learning those full techniques that she mentioned about reporting and things like that to really help clients grow their service time, because, at the end of the day, if we can improve our service time and improve our CRM in general, you can apply a lot of what Jess said to any of your CRMs. Just doing these are just best practices for really dominating that customer relationship management software that you're using. So, yes, service Titan, we think, is the beast and the guru in the space right now, but again, these are great things that you can apply to all of those that are out in the space. So, thank you again, jess, so much for being here, as always. Don't forget to subscribe to From the Yellow Chair on all of our social media platforms, download these episodes, share this episode with people that you think it could really help. Again, thanks for sipping lemonade with From the Yellow Chair. We'll see you next time.


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