Kennedie Maynard Kennedie Maynard

Building Strong Community Connections: Why It Matters for Home Service Companies

For home service companies, getting involved in the community isn’t just a nice gesture—it’s a game-changer. It not only boosts brand recognition but also strengthens ties with customers and keeps your company in mind when they need your services. Rather than relying solely on ads, connecting through local events and activities builds trust and loyalty in ways traditional advertising can’t. Let’s explore how community involvement can elevate your business and practical ways to make an impact.

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Kennedie Maynard Kennedie Maynard

Innovative Client Zestimonial

Ashla Taylor from Innovative shares her experience working with Lemon Seed, which included a total overhaul of their brand.

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Kennedie Maynard Kennedie Maynard

The Zest Social Media Pillars and Optimization Checklist

Oftentimes, companies don't post on social media because they don't know what to post. These social media pillars can serve as a playbook for the type of content you should make for each post and help you create your calendar of content.

Ensure your social media pages are performing at peak optimization for engagement with this checklist.

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Kennedie Maynard Kennedie Maynard

The Three Legged Stool of Marketing

When it comes to marketing, people usually have a love/hate relationship with it. Most of the people who love it work in the marketing industry, while HVAC contractors generally hate it. They hate it because they’re always looking for the silver bullet, that one thing that’s going to be “it” and catapult the business to the next level. But to even have a chance at winning, you have to have a plan, and the gumption, to keep playing even when you’ve had a few setbacks. To break it down in very simple terms, your marketing strategy should consist of 3 simple pillars. A three legged stool if you will. And if one of those pillars, or legs, is lacking, the entire strategy is wobbly, and not performing as well as it could. A cord of three strands is not easily broken, and neither is a marketing plan with these three elements.

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Kennedie Maynard Kennedie Maynard

Engage: Not just a buzzword on social media!

Crystal and Colleen emphasized the importance of community-focused marketing strategies for businesses, highlighting the need for businesses to establish themselves as trusted experts in their local areas through content creation and social media engagement. They also discussed the benefits of community involvement and engagement, including increased brand reputation, social media engagement, and the potential for partnerships with other businesses and charities. The conversation ended with a discussion on the importance of gratitude, empowerment, and amplification in building lasting relationships and loyalty with customers and the community.

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